Mind blowing benefit of growing money plant you should definitely know

The plant could never go unnoticed as it is known to bring luck, good wealth, and positivity as well. Otherwise known as the devil’s ivy and golden pothos in subcontinents, the plant is most popularly known as “Money Plant” due to its connectivity to gaining money. It could be placed both indoor and outdoor as per Vastu at houses and workplaces.

Money Plant is known as Pothos or Devil’s Ivy. The shiny oval or heart-shaped leaves of the money plant would captivate everyone’s attention and it could be spotted easily in the houses, offices, cafes, shops and some might hang out naturally from the balcony.

Since you are encircled with negative elements in this fast-growing modern world, placing money plants inside your house or outside would be better. Every human loves greeny space and when you create such a refreshing atmosphere at home by placing plants would provide you the much-needed rejuvenation.

So, when you place a money plant at the right corner of your house, it would proffer numerous benefits from purifying the air and improving the flow of oxygen to removing anxiety and stress as well as pouring good wealth and health. So, check out some of the top benefits of the Money Plant.

WORKS AS AN ANTI-RADIATOR: You would not have known this benefit of money plant being an anti-radiator inside your homes and official places that could be emitted by computers, laptops, and mobile phones. This wonderful plant would lower the stress at work as well as shields your eyes from screens. It directly cut down the harmful radiations from the electronic devices at home and office spaces, thereby protecting the family members and employees.

KNOWN FOR MEDICINAL USES: Is money plant known for medicinal uses? Well, Experts of Feng Shui suggested that placing a plant near the WiFi could prevent the children from falling sick and avert the chance of heartaches in elders. Apart from these, the Money plant helps soothe your mind and remove the stress and anxiety which thus leads to enjoying better sleeping patterns. So, you could have a money plant in your bedroom or living room to enhance your mental health and physical health.

SHOWERS PROSPERITY AND GOOD WEALTH: The name of the plant itself tells you about the plant’s major benefit. It brings prosperity and good wealth wherever it has been placed. When you place a money plant at home, it could help you to reach the heights both in personal and professional areas. It would also create a strong bond between friends and makes it an everlasting one. However, you should ensure not to place the money plant in the North-East direction because it has not been considered a good place as it impacts negatively.

FILTERS THE AIR: When the plant is grown inside, it is considered to provide amazing benefits than when it is placed outside the house. The beautiful heart-shaped plant is known to be alleviating the airborne pollutants from indoor air through which it could act as a natural air purifier. This is how it showers you with fresh air and good health and so it is suggested to have a money plant at your home and at official places which would in turn gifts you uncountable benefits.

ENHANCES THE RELATIONSHIP: Money plants are recommended to be placed in the south-east direction of the living room or hall as per Vastu. This is because the owner of the Southeast direction is Lord Ganesha and the planet that reigns is Venus. Well, this is one major reason which helps in promoting peace and a healthy environment at home. Thus, it keeps the marital problems at bay by spreading positive vibes. It only provides you good luck and eliminates bad luck from the house.

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