Scared about this winter? Here are some benefits of pepper

King of Spices and “Black Gold” are names that refer to Black pepper. With its unique taste and aroma adds an appetizing flavour to your food. Black pepper has some strong and irresistible quality. This spice finds a place in every house and restaurant.

The only spice that takes comes in colour like pink, white, Black, and green. Black pepper has been in the world spice trade for centuries ago and has marked some serious health benefits.

Relieves Cold and Cough: Black pepper is antibiotic and antibacterial in nature. Powdered pepper mixed with honey is a good remedy for cold and cough.

It cures chest congestion. Pepper added to water extract of any herb can cure any flu or virus diseases. For any throat problem, it is advisable to drink milk with pepper and turmeric for immediate effect. It has Vitamin C which develops immunity in our body.

Best for Diabetes: The antioxidants present in black pepper help in regulating the blood sugar levels in the body. Experts have proved that black pepper oil can regulate the production of enzymes that break down starch into glucose, thus delaying the absorption of glucose in the body.

Combats Cancer: Black pepper keeps cancer at bay. Piperine in black pepper helps in increasing the absorption of nutrients like selenium, beta-carotene, curcumin, and vitamin B. These nutrients can prevent cancer, colon, breast cancer, and prostate cancer. When added with turmeric gives a good result for the above problems

Eases Digestion: A bit of pepper added to any food makes the digestion process faster. Piperine in black pepper stimulates the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which helps to digest proteins in food. It also prevents constipation and bloating and diarrhea or loose stools.

Removes Dental Problems: For any gum problem mix Black pepper with salt and water, gargle or apply over the gums to get immediate relief from toothache. A study says that black pepper has anti-inflammatory properties.

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