It is not just a vegetable, How much you know about medicinal value of Bitter Gourd!

.Raksha Badamane

Bitter gourd is popular due to its medicinal properties. Itself grows off the vine as green. The part of the plant that is used for consumption and for various medicinal purposes is the fruit of the bitter squash.

Bitter gourd is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. It contains iron, magnesium, potassium and vitamins like A and C. It contains twice the calcium of spinach and beta-carotene of broccoli. Various anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds are present in bitter gourd. There are many medicinal uses listed below

Helps in maintaining blood sugar levels. Bitter gourd contains an insulin-like compound called Polypeptide-p or p-insulin which has been shown to control diabetes naturally.

It helps in lowering the bad cholesterol levels in the body. Thereby, it significantly reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. It helps in maintaining blood pressure in the body. So this fruit helps to keep heart healthy.

which has more potassium which helps to absorb more sodium which helps to maintain sodium level in the body. Bitter gourd juice has powerful antioxidants along with vitamin A and C which prevent premature skin ageing and diminishes wrinkles. Research suggests that bitter melon contains certain compounds with cancer fighting properties.

Bitter melon makes an excellent addition to a weight loss diet, as it’s low in calories yet high in fibre. Regular consumption of bitter gourd contributes to relieving constipation and indigestion.

Bitter gourd is liver friendly, and detoxifies and boosts the liver enzymes and is a good cure for a hangover as it reduces alcohol deposits on the liver, Bladder and the gut also. It controls the blood flow and blood clotting that helps in quicker healing of wounds and reduction in helps to improve blood circulation and helps to purify the blood.

The body’s stamina and energy levels show remarkable improvement after regular consumption of bitter gourd. It even helps to improve sleep quality and reduces sleep problems like insomnia. It consists of Vitamin A which helps in the proper functioning of eyes, the regular consumption of this fruit can help you get rid of acne.

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