‘Chicken blood injections’ it cures all health problem for kids

Chinese parents who want their kid to turn into a ‘super kid’ and succeed in every genre have glorified the concept of “chicken parenting” in the nation. The term “chicken parenting” actually refers to the ‘crazy style’ of parenting, where guardians get their children injected with “chicken blood injections”.

which they consider to be the “cure-all” for numerous health problems, including cancer, baldness, and infertility, The Singapore Post reported. As per reports, the chicken blood injects also help enhance hyperactivity that helps kids to perform substantially better in academics as well as in sports.

As per reports in SupChina.com, this concept of “Chicken baby” has become quite known in China, especially in cities like Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing, where there are numerous ‘obsessive middle-class Chinese parents’. This chicken parenting method is similar to “helicopter parenting” that exists in America as well.

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Parents who practice similar kinds of upbringing believe good grades are not enough, just one school is not enough as everyone else is also performing equally well. There is now an overload of expectations from kids. As a result, there is now an overload of expectations from kids. Reports from SupChina media outlets also revealed that depression among Chinese teenagers has significantly increased.

The 2019-20 National Mental Health Development Report stated that 25 per cent of Chinese adolescents suffered from depression a Meanwhile, reports also found that China’s childhood myopia rate is among the highest in the world.

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Its National Health Commission found 71 per cent of middle schoolers and 81 per cent of high schoolers are near-sighted.

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