US Election Results 2020 LIVE Updates: Joe Biden at 264 electoral votes, Donald Trump at 214

US: Joe Biden has won the crucial battleground state of Michigan and Wisconsin,reclaiming a key part of the “blue wall” that slipped away from Democrats four years ago and dramatically narrowing President Donald Trump’s pathway to reelection.

So far, according to reports Biden has 264 electoral votes and Trump 214. The magic number of electoral votes is 270. If Biden were to win in Nevada, he would in theory have the necessary 270.

Trump campaign files lawsuit in Georgia seeking to pause vote count

US President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign said it had filed a lawsuit in Georgia seeking to pause the state’s count for the presidential election.

The lawsuit, brought against the Chatham County Board of Elections, asked a judge to order the county to secure and account for ballots received after 7 pm on Election Day, according to a court document released by the campaign.

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