Ayurveda best home remedies for control fever

Fever home remedies: According to Ayurveda, everyone’s body has three doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Any imbalance in these three doshas can lead to disease. Fever is a problem that can happen to anyone at any time. Fever is caused by imbalance in vata and kapha doshas. Ayurveda best home remedies for control fever.

An imbalance of phlegm can cause cold. Excess of Vata can cause coldness, lethargy, body pain. Honey Ginger Tea: Ginger’s anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and analgesic properties have incredible potential to relieve and reduce the symptoms of viral fever. Anti-bacterial properties in honey help reduce infection and provide relief from cough. Grate ginger and boil it in a tablespoon of water for three to five minutes, then strain it and add honey to taste. Drink this tea twice a day to get rid of viral fever.

Basil Tea: Basil leaves contain volatile oils such as eugenol, citronellol, and linoleic, which help reduce inflammation. The antibacterial, antiseptic, antibiotic and fungicidal properties of basil leaves help reduce the symptoms of viral fever. Drink basil water or chew basil leaves to get relief from fever, headache, cold, cough, fever, it soothes throat irritation.

Cinnamon: This fragrant spice provides great relief from throat infections, coughs and colds. It is an antibiotic that helps prevent fever. You can drink it with your tea. This drink not only gives your health benefits but also adds flavour and aroma to your drinks.

Betel leaves: Betel leaves are an ancient and traditional Ayurvedic medicine that helps reduce sore throat. You can alternately boil betel leaves and basil leaves in water until the ingredients are reduced by half. After filtering it, drink it in liquid form. You can add honey or salt to taste.

Eat Cloves: Place a few cloves in the back of the mouth between the teeth and cheeks. You can occasionally chew them to release the oil in them. Its numbing effects make it a useful home remedy for sore throats. Also beneficial for dry cough.

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