New Education Policy: from this year degree will be 4 year

The New National Education Policy is nothing short of revolutionary in the education system in India. After our education policy monotonously followed the same norms for 34 years, the Ministry of Education (formerly known as MHRD) did some serious amendments in it on 29 July 2020. New Education Policy: 4 year degree starts from this year (degree education).

This New National Education Policy was recently approved by the Indian government in 2023. So, it is only natural that the question “What this New National Education Policy actually is?” must be coming to people’s minds. Our article is here to provide them with the answer to this question. Here, we will discuss all the key aspects of the New National Education Policy.

Moreover, we will thoroughly explain the NEP 5+3+3+4 structure. So, the students who want to understand this education policy by the government, kindly check out this article. From this year all the universities in Bihar will now have a four-year bachelor’s degree course. In this regard, Governor Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar has issued an order after holding a high-level meeting.

Now under the new education policy i.e. from session 2023-2027, four-year undergraduate course will start in all universities. A separate committee has also been constituted regarding this four-year course. CSBS i.e. Choice Based Credit System will be applicable in this course.

The governor has directed that in the session starting this year, admission will be done at the university level in Bihar only and all the universities will have to complete all the related work at the same time. Raj Bhavan will decide the timeline for this. Means admission will be done in all the universities together and syllabus will be completed together.

From filling the form to the examination and publication of the result will also be done simultaneously. Till now, different admissions and examinations are being conducted in all the universities and in many universities, 3 years of studies are being completed in 6 years and students are also worried due to the late session.

The governor has directed that from the next session, the centralized process of nomination will be adopted. That is, any student will apply at one place and from there his admission will be done in any university. The Governor has directed to prepare an academic calendar for all the universities. Along with this, discussions have also been held regarding the infrastructure and number of teachers in the university.

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