People with this blood type have the highest risk of heart attack, the study revealed

According to the World Health Organization, heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide today. A new study claims that people who do not have blood type O have a higher risk of heart disease. Researched over 4 lakh people.

Researchers have studied over 4 lakh people. It found that people with blood type A and B had an 8 percent higher risk of heart attack than people with O blood group. The results are published in the American Heart Association’s medical journals Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology. More than 1.3 million people were involved

In 2017, a study by the European Society of Cardiology involved more than 1.3 million people. It found that people with O blood group had a higher risk of heart disease, including heart attack. Compared with bloodgroup A and B compared to bloodgroup O.

In one study, researchers compared bloodgroups A and B with bloodgroups. The study found that people with type B had a 15 percent higher risk of having a myocardial infarction-heart attack than those with type O blood. People in Group A have an 11 percent higher risk of heart attack than those in Group A. Both heart failure and heart attack are forms of heart disease.

But heart failure occurs slowly. When a heart attack occurs suddenly. Heart attack also causes heart failure after some time. The risk of blood clots is 44 percent higher

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