Mother’s Day 2021: Google Doodle pops up with a heartfelt card

Google is celebrating Mother’s Day 2021 today (May 9) by sharing an interactive doodle. The adorable animation featured a pop-up card that users around the world can use to wish their mothers on this special occasion.

According to Google, today’s interactive doodle is illustrated by Olivia When. It is a heartfelt tribute to all the mothers for their selfless love, care and dedication towards their children. The interactive stop-motion artwork featured the letters of Google written on colourful pieces of paper.

As soon as users click on the play button, two cards pop up with smiley faces adorned with flowers and hearts. Mother’s Day was first celebrated in 1908 when Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother at St Andrew’s Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virginia. The US state now has the International Mother’s Day Shrine.

Mother’s Day is an occasion that is celebrated in various parts of the world to express respect, honour, and love towards mothers. In India, the second Sunday of May every year is celebrated as Mother’s Day. This year it is being celebrated on Sunday, May 9.

On this day, people all over the world celebrate the special day by surprising their mother with gifts, but this year, due to a pandemic, the celebrations will be different as some people are staying away from their mothers.

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