Mobile User Alert: Don’t open if you get this type of message

Karnataka Police has released important information for people about online fraud. In that press release, fraudsters prepare APK file or App with the help of RAT (Remote access tool) and send it to the mobile numbers linked to bank accounts through WhatsApp or text message.

Mobile User Alert: Online fraudsters are taking different ways to cheat people. Now fraudsters have found a new way to send messages to your mobiles. If you do open it, your bank account is exposed to cyber fraudsters. Don’t open if you get this type of message.

Karnataka Police has released important information for people about online fraud. In that press release, fraudsters prepare APK file or App with the help of RAT (Remote access tool) and send it to the mobile numbers linked to bank accounts through WhatsApp or text message.

Mobile User Alert: Don’t open if you get this type of message
Image Credit To Original Source

After opening it, all the text messages received by the public are automatically sent to the fraudsters’ mobiles. They have revealed shocking information that message forwarding is happening. Still, after opening the link, fraudsters easily get the OTP and install Internet mobile banking applications to the public’s accounts, and within a moment, the public’s money is being transferred to their accounts.

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Mobile User Alert: Don’t open if you get this type of message
Image credit to Original Source

He said that it is seen that this kind of problem is happening especially to the customers of Canara Bank. Therefore, do not click APK file or App links sent through WhatsApp or Text message to the mobile numbers linked to the bank account, if such links are inadvertently clicked, immediately switch off your mobile phone and contact your bank.

They have requested to call Cybercrime Helpline 1930 and lodge a complaint even if the account has been suspended; money has been transferred from their account.

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