Weather Report: Heavy rainfall starts in Mumbai from this date

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) official as saying that monsoon rains will begin in the metro city from June 10. No official statement regarding monsoon entry into Mumbai has been released so far.

Weather Report: Entry of Southwest Monsoon into Kerala on May 31 will ensure timely onset of monsoon in Mumbai. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) official as saying that monsoon rains will begin in the metro city from June 10.

After increased rainfall activity in Kerala during the last two weeks of May, Monsoon is likely to enter the state on May 31. “Rain activity over Kerala is likely to increase towards the end of week 1 and beginning of week 2, which is likely to trigger onset of monsoon over Kerala in 4 days around May 31.

Weather Report: Heavy Rainfall starts from Mumbai from this date
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“Overall, rainfall activity will be above normal over East and Northeast India, below normal over Central and South Peninsular India and below normal over Northwest India,” the IMD said in its weather bulletin on Thursday. No official statement regarding monsoon entry into Mumbai has been released so far.

However, normal monsoon onset in Kerala and absence of expected cyclones in Arabian Sea or Bay of Bengal are creating favourable conditions for timely onset of monsoon rains in Mumbai. Monsoon has entered Andaman and is expected to reach Mumbai between June 10 and 11.

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Weather Report: Heavy Rainfall starts from Mumbai from this date
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Apart from these areas, the weather department has forecast heavy rains in Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram and Tripura on Sunday. Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram and Tripura are likely to receive isolated heavy rainfall (115.5-204.5 mm) on May 26, 2024, the IMD said.

The India Meteorological Department had earlier predicted heavy rains in Odisha and West Bengal on Saturday as a low pressure area formed over the southwest Bay of Bengal coast.

Also Read: Cyclone Alert: Heavy Rainfall Alert In These States, Issued Red Alert

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